So next time you have a break at work, take a walk through the park or even just step outside and take a breath of fresh air. 在工作之余,你也在公园走走吧,也可以只是走出房间,呼吸一下新鲜的空气。
Take a breath and do what you gotta do. 深吸一口气,做你该做的事情吧。
Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for alternatives. 而专家表示,做父母的应该歇口气,放松放松,寻找其他的解决办法。
Take a breath: The next time you have an idea you can't contain, simply open your mouth and take a quick, short breath. 呼吸法:下一次当你有了新点子没法控制自己不说出口时,只要张开嘴巴做一个短促的呼吸。
Jakes took the rein, and I put down my head and moved on. I pulled the cart up the hill, then stopped to take a breath. 贾克拾起缰绳,我低下头拉起来。我把车拉上了山顶,停下来喘着气。
Public do not need to undertake special disinfection normally, need only often ventilated take a breath can. 公共场所通常不需要进行非凡的消毒,只需经常通风换气即可。
So just take a breath right now and ask God to tell you exactly what you need to hear. 因此,现在就深吸一口气,要上帝明确告诉你你需要听到的。
I am too busy to take a breath. 我忙得都喘不过气来。
A swimmer can't swim under water very long, because he must take a breath. 游泳的人不能在水下游太久,因为他必须呼吸。
Don't lose control at any time; take a breath. 任何时候都不要失态,深吸一口气。
I was so bored that I decided to go to the yard to take a breath of fresh air. 我在上面呆的实在是太无聊了,我决定要到院子去透透空气。
And everytime you take a breath! 当你每次呼吸的时候!
That will support you when you take a breath by keeping your body moving forward, and you won't have to come up so high in order to make sure you have enough time to take the breath. 这些动作可以支撑你的身体,在呼吸时也保持前行。这样即便你为了得到足够的呼吸时间,你也不需要过高的跃出水面。
No one but you knows your heart is racing, so take a breath and try to calm down. 除了你之外,别人都不会知道你的心正砰砰直跳,那么,你就应该做做深呼吸,然后努力使自己镇定下来。
Finally, I can take a breath. 我终于可以喘口气了。
Why don't you take a breath kid. 你为什么不深深吸口气?
Why not take a breath considering your career development? 我诚恳的建议你去当一名公务员,眼下最热门的职业。
I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes. 我喜爱到外面走走,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,做做伸展运动,让看电脑看得疲惫眼睛看看自然的阳光。
The exam is over, so I can take a breath. 考试结束了,所以我可以喘口气了。
It's a long time to surf the internet, I should take a breath. 在网络上畅游了好长时间了,我应该出来吸口气。
I need to stop sometimes and take a breath. 有时我需要停下来,呼吸一口气。
Take a breath, pause, then respond calmly and honestly, without undue defensiveness. 深呼吸,屏气,然后平静和诚实地回应,不要带着不应有的防御心理。
Let's just take a breath here, okay? 让我们先透口气,好吗?
Something that really helped me to get rid of the anxiety, take a breath, and feel calm was running. 跑步是一件真正能帮助到我,让我摆脱焦虑,获得喘息,感受平静的事情。
Every morning I open the window and take a breath of fresh air. 每天早上我都要打开窗户呼吸新鲜空气。
When the policeman asked the driver to take a breath alcohol test after smelling alcohol on him, the man bit the policeman's left hand. 警察在闻到该驾车男子身上的酒气后要求对其进行酒精呼气测试,这时该男子一口咬住了警察的左手。
You are too rush today, calm down and take a breath. 今天的你个性显的好急躁,深呼吸冷静一下。
Take a breath, please. 请作深呼吸。
If so, he keeps turning his head to take a breath through his mouth. 即便如此,他仍然要转过他的头部,用嘴进行呼吸。
When you take a breath, air is sucked into your lungs and oxygen diffuses across into your bloodstream. This is mass transfer in action. 当你呼吸的时候,空气吸进你的肺而氧气扩散进入你的血流。这就是传质在起作用。